Wednesday, September 10, 2008

You Can Put Lipstick On A Male Chauvinist Pig, But According To John McCain, It's Still... John McCain.

Let me start by saying this: I'm not one hundred per cent sold on either of the Presidential candidates yet. I'm still doing a lot of research, I'm watching CNN, Fox News, and everything in between in an attempt to cut through all the crap and figure out exactly where each of these guys stands. I've been disappointed with both Republicans and Democrats during this race to the White House, but today a line was crossed. In a move displaying bold disregard for a little thing I like to call "logic," the McCain campaign has officially taken this Presidential race from tasteless to downright inane.

No doubt you've heard about this ad nauseam already. McCain's camp has been touting the Arizona senator as an agent of change whose policies would be drastically different from those of the current administration, but yesterday, in a highly-publicized speech, Barack Obama made the assertion that if elected President, John McCain would, in fact, keep things status quo. To sum the idea up, Obama used the phrase, "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." The McCain camp was immediately up in arms, claiming that this was a sexist attack on Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Set aside for the moment whether or not Obama's assessment of McCain's proposed policies is correct. Set aside, even, whether or not the comment IS sexist. It is completely absurd and, really, quite stupid for McCain to claim it's a sexist phrase. You know why? Because he's used it himself. More than once. Including one time when he was speaking about Senator Hillary Clinton's proposed health care plan, a comment more directly linked to the female senator than Obama's comment yesterday was linked to Sarah Palin.

So if John McCain is going to stand by the claim that Obama's use of the phrase is evidence of sexism, then I would advise Sarah Palin to bail on this election; what woman wants to be the running mate of such an obvious sexist?

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